D&d 3.5 Gargoyle

  1. D&d Gargoyle
  2. Dnd 3.5 Gargoyle

MargoyleCR 5XG 1,600CY Medium Init +2; Feels 60 foot.,; +10DEFENSEAC 18, 12, 16 (+2, +6 )hp 63 (6d10+24 plus 6)Fortification +6; Ref +7; Will +6DR 10/magicOFFENSESpeed 40 foot., take flight 60 ft. (normal)Melee 2 claws +9 (1d6+3), chew +9 (1d6+3), gore +9 (1d6+3)STATISTICSStr 17, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21Feats, ,Skills +14, +10, +10 (+16 stony environments), +7; Racial Modifiers +2, +2 (+8 in stony environs)Languages Common, TerranSQSPECIAL ABILITIES Get cold (Ex)A margoyle can keep itself so nevertheless it appears to end up being a statue. A margoyle that uses deep freeze can get 20 on its check out to conceal in ordinary sight as a rock statue.ECOLOGYEnvironment any land, marine, and undergroundOrganization solo, pair, or wing (1-2 margoyles and 4-6 gargoyles)Treasure standardA margoyle is definitely a slightly larger version of the standard gargoyle. It is meaner, eviler, ánd deadlier than thé regular gargoyle.

Margoyles are most often found in subterranean regions and usually have a package of gargoyIes with them. ln like situations, the margoyle is definitely appeared upon as the grasp or chief of the team.Several different types of gargoyles can be found, and each is definitely detailed below. For all their differences, they perform share some typical traits. They choose to remain nevertheless and then suddenly assault or jump into their victim. Green guardians try to hold their sufferers and then take a flight off with them. A team of margoyles ánd/or gargoyles functions in unison to bring down their competitors.Margoyle's are handled as magic weaponry for the objective of conquering.

D&d Gargoyle


Dnd 3.5 Gargoyle

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